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Begin Proposal

To submit a proposal you must login.


Proposal Guidelines

Introduction: Laserlab-Europe offers unique research opportunities to scientists and industry from all over Europe and to a limited extent also to scientists from outside Europe. Access is provided

  • to world-class laser research facilities
  • to a large variety of inter-disciplinary research, including life sciences
  • free of charge, including travel and accommodation.

Access is provided on the basis of scientific excellence of the proposal, reviewed by an external and independent Selection Panel. Priority is given to new users. A typical access project has a duration of 2 to 4 weeks. Applications for longer visits are highly exceptional.

Who qualifies?

'User groups' from any country worldwide are eligible to benefit from access to the infrastructure under the EC contract if they fulfil the conditions listed here.

Which facilities are available?

Find a suitable facility for your research here.

How to request access?

You first need to create an account and profile in ARIA. This profile has the function of a CV and can be used for all your future online access applications.  Some information are mandatory before you can submit a proposal (Nationality, Country of Residence, Employing Organisation, Career Stage). Remember to update as needed. You can edit your profile at any time in the dashboard. Please note: Team members can only be added if they have registered and completed their own accounts.

It is highly recommended to prepare the "abstract" and the full proposal text off-line before starting the submission. During the submission procedure, you will be asked to attach one single PDF file of the full text to your proposal.

For applications to CLF, CLPU, GSI, LULI, FELIX, FERMI, HILASEHZDR and PALS please use only the specific application forms provided at the respective institution's web page.

For all other host institutions please use the general application form. Download:  docx-file >>

After you created the ARIA profile and have prepared the pdf file, you are ready to log in to the system on this page. Follow the instructions and fill out the online form.

Timeframe: The application and review process is efficient, transparent and quick. We aim for a turnaround of the applications within 6 weeks. 

When to apply: At most facilities, the applications for access are possible anytime. However, some facilities have specific deadlines. You can find the specific calls here.

Funding: Access is granted free of charge. In addition, Laserlab-Europe funds the consumables, travel and accommodation for access visits.

More information can be found here

If you have any further questions please contact